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Seamless Transition for Future-Ready Operations

Navigating Windows 10 End of Life – Next Steps for Your Business

As technology advances, change becomes inevitable with an increasing number of products and services approaching their end-of-life phase. With Microsoft announcing that Windows 10 will reach its end of life on 14th October 2025, a staggering 69.89% of users will be left unsupported. It is vital that your organisation acts now to prepare for this transition, ensuring minimal disruption to day-to-day operations and avoiding delays to your business as the deadline approaches. 

In this blog, we’ll cover what this change means for your business, the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11, and how Chess can assist you in this transition. 

Understanding Windows 10 End of Life

As of the 14th October 2025, Microsoft will cease providing updates, patches, and technical support for Windows 10. While they will still function, devices operating on Windows 10 will become increasingly vulnerable to security threats and compatibility issues. 

After this date, Microsoft will also no longer provide technical support or assistance for Windows 10, meaning that businesses relying on this service may encounter difficulties resolving software issues or implementing updates, limiting their ability to utilise new Windows features that are designed to improve business efficiency. 

Without regular updates or technical support, businesses could face potential cybersecurity risks, data breaches and compliance concerns if they opt to continue using Windows 10.  

Why Upgrade to Windows 11? 

Although October 2025 may seem far away now, it’s key that you consider your options as soon as possible to ensure minimal disruption to your organisation. 

Windows 11 will offer enhanced security, additional productivity features, and compatibility with modern hardware. By upgrading to Windows 11, your business can benefit from: 

  • Improved Security: With advanced security features including malware protection, phishing prevention, and enhanced app protection, you can safeguard your business from modern threats.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Through an easy-to-use interface and built in features including Microsoft Teams, Windows 11 empowers your workforce to collaborate more efficiently and increase productivity.

  • Better Performance: By upgrading to a modern system, you’ll benefit from quicker system speeds, smoother-running programs, and overall improved user experience.

  • Business Continuity: Transitioning to Windows 11 ahead of the October 2025 deadline mitigates the risks of device shortages, slow upgrades, and security vulnerabilities, ensuring minimal disruption to your business.  

How can Chess Support?

As demand for Windows 11 compatible devices will increase over the coming months, by getting ahead of the curve, you can ensure you’re fully equipped to continue business as normal when Windows 10 support comes to an end.  

Here at Chess, we’re committed to ensuring that your business can transition effortlessly to Windows 11. We’re offering free consultations to assess your current IT infrastructure, identify any devices that may be affected by the End of Life for Windows 10, verify whether your devices meet the system requirements for Windows 11, and develop a tailored plan to suit your business needs. 

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing devices to Windows 11, seeking the flexibility and affordability of leasing devices, or wanting to purchase new ones to support this change, we’re here to guide you through the process.  

Let us help you prepare for the transition, so you can continue to work securely, anywhere, anytime. 

About the author

Carla Mattingley

Carla is an experienced Device Solutions Consultant. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience working with businesses to help them achieve their goals through technology. 

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