Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are a hot topic for many organisations. ESG refers to a set of standards and initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions, promoting social impact, fostering inclusivity, and ensuring transparent and accountable practices. Implementing ESG initiatives is not only crucial for businesses to remain relevant and competitive, but also aligns with the growing demand from customers, suppliers, investors, and employees for responsible and sustainable practices.  

In this blog, we explore the significance of prioritising ESG through the lens of technology. We summarise the insights from our exclusive eBook, "ESG v Budgets: How to Use Technology to Build a Sustainable, Resilient Business," where experts from Microsoft, Cisco, Sage, TalkTalk, and Chess discuss the why, what, how, and who of ESG.  

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Importance of Technology in Achieving ESG Goals 

Technology plays an important role in enabling businesses to achieve their sustainability objectives. Our experts agree that technology is key to the success of ESG initiatives, as it empowers organisations to track and monitor progress, optimise operations, and reduce environmental impacts. 

Microsoft has set four key pledges aimed at addressing global sustainability challenges. These include being carbon neutral, water positive, generating zero waste, and protecting ecosystems. Embracing technology allows Microsoft to deliver sustainability-related technologies to its customers and partners, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

Cisco highlights the significance of using technology to reduce emissions by 15%-17% and contribute to a powerfully inclusive future. By leveraging Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) technology from Cisco Meraki, organisations can enable secure remote work while reducing emissions associated with travel and commuting. 

Getting Started with ESG Initiatives 

Time, resource, and budget constraints are all concerns that organisations have when initiating ESG programs. Defining the key ESG drivers for the organisation, prioritising initiatives, appointing an ESG owner to drive momentum, and involving people at all levels of the organisation are essential steps to kickstart the journey toward sustainability.


​The Role of Technology in ESG​

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The Positive Impact of ESG on Budgets 

Embracing sustainability can offer organisations several financial benefits. Implementing ESG policies can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty, cost reductions through efficient practices, improved productivity, and an enhanced reputation that attracts top talent and investors. 

The Crucial Role of ESG Ownership 

ESG ownership is a subject of debate among our panellists, but its importance cannot be overstated. Whether it resides in finance, senior management, product design, or the CEO's office, strong and committed ownership is essential to drive the ESG agenda throughout the organisation. 

In Conclusion 

Prioritising ESG through technology is no longer optional; it is the path to building a sustainable, resilient business. By implementing ESG initiatives with measurable goals and transparent practices, organisations can achieve success while contributing positively to the environment, society, and governance. 

To learn more about ESG from industry experts, download our full eBook